Doncaster cycling academy launches nationwide lockdown coaching programme for kids

Ed Clancy and Graham Briggs, pictured with youngsters at their academy.Ed Clancy and Graham Briggs, pictured with youngsters at their academy.
Ed Clancy and Graham Briggs, pictured with youngsters at their academy.
The Clancy Briggs Cycling Academy has launched a dedicated online coaching programme to support children across the UK during lockdown.

The programme is part of the Doncaster-based academy’s new online learning platform, CB Live, which aims to provide children with a safe environment to learn and develop their cycling skills whilst having fun and interacting with like-minded peers.

CB Live was launched following the second nationwide lockdown in November to ensure continued provision to members, with 27 sessions delivered over the course of the month to over 200 children.

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The virtual Youth and Junior Development Programme, which is now available to all 10-18 years olds across the UK, has been specifically designed to ensure first class cycling coaching is available for children across the UK, and aims to nurture the skills and development of riders, both on and off the bike within a community environment.

Founders of The Clancy Briggs Academy, Ed Clancy OBE and Graham Briggs, will lead the delivery of the classes alongside previous teammate Ali Slater, drawing on a wealth of experience to create an environment that allows children to develop into adaptable, resilient and independent athletes.

With the decline of children participating in sport across the UK during lockdown, the new programme will also offer children the unique ability to keep fit, interact with like-minded people and, most importantly, to have fun in a safe environment.

Clancy said: “For us, launching our new Youth and Junior Development programme was vital to ensure we supported kids across the UK during this lockdown period and help them continue to take part and enjoy cycling – even if only virtually.

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“As a team of coaches who have grown up together in the industry, we’re passionate about nurturing future British talent and with the right approach, we’re confident that the new programme will not only support the development of children’s cycling skills but also essential life-long skills such as tenacity, focus, communication and teamwork.

“We’ve seen first-hand, since opening our doors in January last year, the positive impact sport and physical activity can have on children – not just benefiting their fitness, but also their mental health and wellbeing, and we wanted to ensure that we could still provide support to young people, and their parents, to keep them engaged with cycling during this challenging time.”

The Youth and Junior Development Programme will consist of one hour-long training session, as well as a 30-minute session each week covering a variety of topics, including mindset development; how to juggle school, social and sporting commitments; nutrition and bespoke training sessions.

For more information on the Youth and Junior Development Programme, visit:

To subscribe to the Youth and Junior Development Programme, click HERE.

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