Call for Doncaster mums to sign up to Race for Life on Mother’s Day, and help fight cancer

Cancer Research UK's Race for LifeCancer Research UK's Race for Life
Cancer Research UK's Race for Life
Doncaster mums are being urged to join the fight against cancer by signing up for Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life on March 31 this year.

For the first time, grown-up sons can take part alongside their mothers as Race for Life events are opened up to everyone.

Taking part is a hugely moving experience as people come together to remember loved ones lost to cancer, celebrate the lives of those dear to them who have survived,or support those going through treatment.

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Many people will walk or run in their local event alongside their mums, while others will be participating to honour their memory.

The 2019 Doncaster 5k Race for Life will be held on June 23 on Town Fields.

Emma Colbourne, Cancer Research UK’s Doncaster event manager, said: “We’re urging families in Doncaster to make this Mother’s Day extra special by joining the Race for Life.

“Our Race for Life events are fun, colourful, emotional and uplifting. You don’t need to be sporty to take part. You don’t have to train, and you certainly don’t need to compete against anyone else. It’s a perfect example of everyday people doing an extraordinary thing – uniting in a common cause to beat cancer.”

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Cancer Research UK’s Race for Life, in partnership with Tesco, is an inspiring series of 5k, 10k, Pretty Muddy and Pretty Muddy Kids events which raise millions of pounds every year to help fund crucial research.

Emma continued: “We encourage our participants to help raise money in whatever way they like – there are lots of ideas on the Race for Life website.

“One in two people in the UK will be diagnosed with cancer at some stage in their lives, but the good news is more people are surviving the disease now than ever before.

“Cancer survival in the UK has doubled since the early 1970s and Cancer Research UK’s work has been at the heart of that progress.”

To join Race for Life today visit or call 0300 123 0770.