Call to Doncaster's dancing legends, to join celebration

Dance ONDance ON
Dance ON
People who love to dance and are aged 50-plus have a chance to indulge their passion within a new Doncaster project.

If you were a regular on the dance floor at the local youth club, are first up to shake your stuff at a wedding, or maybe have danced for an audience in the past, then this is for you'¦.

Doncaster Community Arts, known as  darts, runs the Doncaster branch of Dance ON, a new initiative funded by Sport England.

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Dance ON is setting up groups for over 50s across Doncaster, Leeds and Bradford in collaboration with Yorkshire Dance and One Dance UK.

In February darts will host its first Dance ON social event, a celebration of the project so far.

They are keen to bring local dancers on board, to show off Doncaster's talents and inspire people with a love of dancing.

You do not have to be a professional dancer; anybody over the age of 50 who is based in Doncaster and would be happy to show off some moves at the event is welcome to get in touch.

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Email [email protected] if you would like to put yourself forward.

The event will be invitation-only, with stakeholders, supporters and participants in attendance.

If you are interested in joining a Dance ON group in Doncaster, you can visit to find details of your nearest group.

darts currently run groups at their venue The Point on South Parade, and in Edlington, Stainforth and Thorne.  They hope to set up new groups across Doncaster where there is interest.

